3 Tips to Help You Become a Trivia Champion

Do you love learning random facts, participating in competitive activities, and meeting new people? Check out a virtual trivia night! Virtual trivia nights are a fun after-work activity and a great way for young professionals to meet new people while showing off their random knowledge at the same time. Have a competitive side? Trivia nights are also known for bringing out some friendly competition among teams of friends or co-workers. However, trivia is one of those activities that can be hard to be good at, especially if you don’t know what kind of questions will be asked. Here are a few tips to help you out if you’re new to trivia or want to increase your chances of winning at a virtual trivia night:

Study up beforehand

During a trivia night, Googling the answers on your smartphone is not allowed, so be prepared to use your own smarts with no help from your device! If you can, find out what the topics are beforehand and do some studying to help you get as many answers correct as possible. This doesn’t have to be sit-in-a-library-with-a-bunch-of-textbooks kind of studying. Instead, you can watch Jeopardy, visit trivia websites, or download a trivia app to help you study. I once studied for a trivia night topic on ‘90s pop music by listening to Pandora’s ‘90s pop music station at work the day of the event. My “studying” paid off because I helped my team win that particular round just by listening to the Pandora station in the background while I worked.

Form a well-rounded team

Trivia is known for being a team activity, so if you’re in it to win it, form a team and be strategic about who you recruit. If pop culture is your forte, don’t ask a bunch of other pop culture experts to be on your team. Instead, recruit your co-worker who has a history degree, your friend who works in politics, and your cousin who is obsessed with sports. This way, you can combine forces to ensure you have all your topic bases covered. If you don’t have a lot of random knowledge under your belt, another option is to form a team with your smart friends and ride their coattails to the finish line. 

Pay close attention to the questions

It’s not uncommon for trivia hosts to add a ton of fluff to their questions in order to distract and confuse you, or make you second guess yourself. So pay close attention to the questions being asked and try to identify the two or three words of key info (places, times, etc.) in the question that you really need in order to help you figure out the correct answer. On the flip side, trivia hosts may also ask questions that are straight to the point, but may include a subtle hint. Remember, it’s not just about knowing the answer to the question, but also solving puzzles and spotting patterns. 

Ready to put all these tips to good use and become a trivia champion? Register for the Third Annual Metro EDGE Trivia Fundraiser  on Tuesday, August 18 from 6 to 8 p.m. Ticket sales will go to the Inspire Giving fund, which provides grants for local organizations that are on their way up. We're also holding an additional Inspire Giving fundraiser where attendees can buy raffle tickets to win a bottle of Red Breast Irish Whiskey AND receive hints to use during trivia. Even if you don’t win first prize at our virtual trivia night, you’ll still get to meet new people, have fun, and know you helped make an impact in the Sacramento community.

This is a guest blog post by Gina McLaughlin, co-chair of the Communications Committee. Gina currently works at VSP Global as a Content Specialist. When she’s not working, she’s probably planning her next home improvement project or perusing Pinterest for backyard landscaping inspo.