Words of Wisdom with Randall Sater

Randall Sater
Stonebridge Properties

What are three things you wish you’d known as you embarked on your career?

  1. Once you find your passion, discover your strengths, and find an audience, everything else will fall into place.
  2. Life is full of curve balls. Change is certain. Change can be hard at first, messy in the middle, and incredibly fulfilling in the end. Embrace change.
  3. The most dangerous risk of all in life is the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

Did you have a mentor? If so, what was the most important piece of advice they gave you?

Work hard. Love others. Be thankful. Stay humble.

How did/do you handle work/life balance?

The best I have been able to accomplish in creating a sense of work life balance is to pursue opportunities in my career, the community and my personal life that I am passionate about and enjoy. I think in the end, you just want to say I did my best and I am content and happy with the results.

Do you have any suggestions of books, articles, websites, etc. that might help a young professional?

I just finished "Essentialism - The Discipline and Pursuit of Less" by Greg McKeown. It is a book about creating a systematic discipline for discovering what is absolutely essential, and then focusing on the things and people and issues that matter, or are truly important to one's purpose, goals, and well-bring. I would encourage young professionals who have grown up in the fast paced digital age where change is constant to read it.

How important is it to be involved in organizations outside of work (church, networking, philanthropy, alumni, athletics, etc.)? Why?

I believe that volunteering and giving back to the community are incredibly important. Volunteering is the outward expression of demonstrating and encouraging the kind of community we all want to live in. Giving back to the community, whether through volunteering or grassroots philanthropy, is all about community building. We should all pitch in, regardless of time and resources. As my mother used to say, "a little is enough is enough people do it!"

What do you love about Sacramento?

There is a strong sense of values to the people who live here.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell the 40-and-under business professionals in our region?

Find Your Passion. Work Hard. Love Others. Be Thankful. Stay Humble. Be Happy.