15 Minutes of F.A.M.E. with Jamie Von Sossan

Jamie Von Sossan

Director of Operations

3fold Communications

Where do you currently work, how long have you been there, what do you do?

I am currently the Director of Operations for 3fold Communications. I’ve been with 3fold since March 2012, starting as an account manager. I’ve been in my current role for over a year.

Prior to that?

Sports! All the sports. I started with an independent league baseball team in Lincoln, Nebraska (Lincoln Saltdogs). I was there for three years and was recruited by Joe Wagoner (of Sac Republic fame) to come work in their marketing department as the Promotions Manager. I was there for four seasons with my final role being Season Ticket Account Manager. My husband’s job at the time took us to Seattle for a quick stint, but we made our way back in less than a year because we missed Sacramento so much. I worked for a sports promotional products company for the next three years (from home!), did a quick year at a staffing company as a recruiter, and then found myself back in the sports world at the Sacramento Mountain Lions football team. Scott Moak was our PA announcer and he rounded me up and brought me to 3fold. Whew.

What is your educational background?

Attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and University of Nebraska-Omaha.

What is the best part of your job?

The connection I get to have to the amazing companies in Sacramento. 3fold doesn’t specialize in any one industry and it allows me to meet – and work with - some of the most amazing people in our region. And the opportunity to hire some brilliant and creative people. I love our team. And the snacks. We have so many snacks.

What do you love about living here?

That it’s a lot like home (Lincoln). It’s comfortable. There’s enough to do that I can do something different with my husband, or with my two boys, all the time and never touch all that the city has to offer. And, everyone is genuinely friendly. When you come from the Heartland, “California” is pretty much thought of as beaches and movie stars. I never knew there could be another place that felt like home. And, yet, here we are 14 years later with no intent to leave.

What is one thing that might surprise people about you?

That’s hard. I’m pretty much an open book. Worst secret-keeper ever, maybe? Not other people’s secrets, but my own. Like gifts. Or exciting new info, like when I was pregnant. I remember coming back from my doctor’s appointment in the middle of the day and having to have a meeting with my two supervisors at the time. They kept asking me what was wrong because I was acting so weird. Finally, one of them said, “you’re pregnant, aren’t you?” (I hadn’t even told my husband yet!) So, maybe that. Or maybe that I’m certifiably addicted to video games.

When you aren't in the office where can we find you?

With the family, doing all the things. Cole (5) and Louie (2 ½) pretty much rule the roost. Ryan and I just try to keep up. If I’m lucky, sleeping in my own bed. I wish I had a much more exciting answer!