This is a past event

EDGEx :: Financial Planning 201: Saving for Your Desired Lifestyle

EDGErs: Who's looking to save a few dolla dolla bills to put toward your dream life?

The role financial planning plays in our lives is continually growing in importance. The biggest risk we face is that we are living longer than our ancestors, and that costs money.  The responsibility for having the funds to support ourselves after we’ve “retired” is now ours; we are in control.  Well thought-out planning can guide us towards a life style we desire. Learn the proper steps needed to put your plan into motion. You're invited to EDGEx, an online forum and discussion put on by MetroEDGe with guest speaker, Dave Williamson.

Dave Williamson, owner of Foothills Regional Insurance & Financial Solutions (FRIFS), has been an independent financial adviser since 2009.  He is a licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent and Registered Representative.  This is his 5th career, and is loving it.  His goal is to help people and businesses achieve their financial goals.  His careers have spanned aerospace engineering, bank & commodity trader operations and IT, bank outsourcing management and sales, software sales to banks, credit unions and Fortune 100 insurance companies.

Dave is a member of the Sac Metro, El Dorado County, and El Dorado Hills Chambers.  He is a Board member of the El Dorado Hills Chamber, as well as, their PAC; recently completing 2 terms as Chairman of the Board of the El Dorado Hills Chamber.

He and his family moved from northern NJ to Danville in 1993, and then to El Dorado Hills in 2005.  Dave and his wife, Karen, have been married 38 years, have 4 children and 5 grandchildren.

Time and Date: Thursday March 9th, 12pm-1pm

Location: Online (link TBD)

Please note: EDGEx is free of charge and can be accessed anytime by EDGE members. Non-members are able to access EDGEx during the event for a $20 fee.




Date & Time
3.9.17 12-1pm